Projekti “MAP – Mapping Digital Methods Applied in Adult Education in Partnership” projektikohtumine

Tallinna Polütehnikum osaleb Erasmus+ projektis “MAP – Mapping Digital Methods Applied in Adult Education in Partnership”. Projekti põhirõhk on heade praktikate vahetamisel partnerriikide vahel (Ungari, Rumeenia, Saksamaa, Eesti ja Hispaania). Projekt kestab kaks aastat, algus jaanuaris 2022. Lõppeesmärgiks on, et erinevad partnerid laiendaksid ja vahetaksid oma töövahendeid digipädevuste koolitamise valdkonnas.

Esimene rahvusvaheline kohtumine toimus 9. ja 10. juunil 2022 Békéscsabas, kus Ungari partnerid tutvustasid erinevaid häid praktikaid, mida nende riigis kasutatakse digipädevuste arendamiseks.

Teine rahvusvaheline kohtumine toimus 26. ja 27. oktoobril 2022 Valladolidis (Hispaania), kus Valladolidi Ülikool oli projektikohtumist ettevalmistanud organisatsioon. Nende kahe päeva jooksul kuuldi ja nähti, kuidas arendatakse digipädevusi erinevatele sihtgruppidele

Kolmas rahvusvaheline kohtumine toimus 6. ja 7. märtsil 2023 Tallinnas. Nende kahe päeva jooksul tutvustati partneritel täiskasvanute õpetamise edukamaid näiteid Eestis.

Alustuseks tutvustati Tallinna Polütehnikumi erialasid, kooli ja struktuuri. Sellele järgnes projektiga seotud teemade arutelu.

Esimene ettekanne – Tallinna Rahvaülikool. Siin anti ülevaade rahvaülikoolist ja mis erialasid seal õppida saab. Räägiti ka nende ajaloost ja struktuurist.

Teine ettekanne – BCS AS. Toodi välja erinevaid edukaid täiskasvanutele mõeldud projekte mida BCS on korraldanud või aidanud ellu viia.

Kolmas ettekanne – Estonian Fieldbus Competency Centre OÜ. Tutvustati nende lähenemist hariduse uuendamisel Eestis ja selle erinevaid tahkusid.

Neljas ettekanne – Tallinna Keskraamatukogu. Räägiti peamiselt vanurite IT õppest ja nende edulugudest.

Kõik kohtumisel kuuludud ja nähtud head praktikad koondatakse projekti jooksul ühte väljaandesse, mida saavad kasutada kõik huvilised.

Järgmine projektikohtumine toimub 15. – 16. mai 2023 Saksamaal ja seda korraldab Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham e.V. (VHS Cham).

Tallinn Polytechnic School participates in the Erasmus+ project “MAP – Mapping Digital Methods Applied in Adult Education in Partnership”. The main focus of the project is on the exchange of good practices between partner countries (Hungary, Romania, Germany, Estonia and Spain). The project will run for two years, starting in January 2022. The ultimate goal is for the various partners to expand and exchange their tools in the field of training digital competences. 

The first international meeting took place on 9 and 10 June 2022 in Békéscsaba, where Hungarian partners presented a range of good practices used in their country to develop digital competences. 

The second international meeting took place on 26 and 27 October 2022 in Valladolid (Spain), where the University of Valladolid was the organisation that prepared the project meeting. During these two days, the participants learned how digital competences are developed for different target groups. 

The third international meeting took place on 6 and 7 March 2023 in Tallinn. During these two days, the partners were introduced to the most successful examples of adult teaching in Estonia. 

To begin with, the specialties, school and structure of Tallinn Polytechnic School were introduced. This was followed by a discussion of project-related topics. 

The first presentation was by Tallinn Folk High School. An overview of the Folk High School and its specialties was provided. Their history and structure were also presented.  

The second presentation was by BCS AS. Various successful adult projects that BCS has organized or helped to implement were highlighted. 

The third presentation was by Estonian Fieldbus Competency Centre OÜ. Their approach to renewing education in Estonia and its various aspects were introduced. 

The fourth presentation was by Tallinn Central Library. They talked mainly about IT studies for the elderly and their success stories. 

All the good practices that were owned and seen at the meeting will be brought together during the project in a single publication, which can be used by all interested parties. 

The next project meeting will take place from 15 to 16 May 2023 in Germany and it will be hosted by the Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham e.V. (VHS Cham)